„No one has ever become poor from giving.“ – Anne Frank
With your help, your heart and your dedication, we will be able to provide even better care for our patients.
Why do we need outside help so badly?
Due to the huge inflation of more than 95% of the national currency against the dollar, the entire system of Lebanon is very weak and several institutions are destroyed. Securing the basic needs of the entire population, such as food, health care, fuel, public and general safety, and job availability, have all been severely impacted in a negative way.
As a result, since then, third-party public payers have been unable to reimburse hospitals for healthcare costs, preventing the majority of the Lebanese population from accessing medical care. This lack of accessibility, sadly, results in a large number of refusals to be admitted to hospital, despite medical advice.
This economic situation has caused some hospitals to close their doors and others to refuse to admit patients.
In all this misery, we, the LHG-UMC, despite all the challenges, are still trying to keep the doors open for all patients of all origins. For this reason, an increasing number of patients covered by public payers are referred to our hospital for diagnostics and clinical treatment.
Add to that the cost of medicines and consumables, which have risen due to hyperinflation and the end of government subsidies. Today, our hospital is in a critical situation: on the one hand, the majority of inpatients who were previously covered by public payers no longer have access to care due to the crisis, on the other hand, private third-party payers have half the value of their help than before reduced one year. All of this means lower income for the hospital, and this in a financial situation that is getting worse and worse as the local currency continues to depreciate. Of course, this affects our ability to fund our projects beyond operating costs. As for the political and economic situation, we still cannot see the light at the end of the tunnel. Lebanon is in a political impasse: no government, no presidency for some time, financial problems of the public institutions and the infrastructure of the state.
In this situation and under these circumstances, it is no longer possible for us alone to bear the costs, let alone pay for the renovation and rehabilitation.